5. Way Forward

The core principles of value-based health care are reflected in EIT Health’s work across three pillars:
- Innovation, where the aim is to support partners in implementing value-based health care solutions in pan-European partnerships;
- Education, because setting up learning communities and educating patients and health care professionals alike is one crucial ingredient for success; and
- Business Creation, because a shift to outcomes-based payments will provide businesses with opportunities to find their niche in the health care system and thus contribute to economic growth.
As more organisations undertake their journey along this road, EIT Health will act as a catalyst for the implementation of Value-based Healthcare principles across the continent – connecting Value-based Healthcare pioneers from institutions across Europe and abroad to foster the exchange of best practices and outcomes, and act as an ambassador and connection point for everyone interested in joining value-based health care.
The integrated Personalised Diabetes Management Goes Europe (iPDM-GO) is one of many projects supported by EIT Health aimed at enabling the delivery of value-based healthcare. iPDM-GO envisions developing and implementing a person-centred care process for people with type 2 diabetes, focusing on improving those outcomes that matter to patients and contributing to the sustainability of healthcare systems. Visit our iPDM-GO eLearning Course to learn more about the project.