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VBHC: 6. References

6. References

In Chapter 1 “From Volume to Value”

[1] Deloitte. 2016 Global health care outlook Battling costs while improving care. London: Deloitte; 2016.

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[12] Morris M. 2019 Global health care outlook. Shaping the future. Deloitte. 2019.

[13] World Economic Forum. Value in Healthcare: Accelerating the Pace of Healthcare System Transformation. Geneva, Switzerland: World Economic Forum; 2018.

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[15] Mendelson DN, Schwartz WB. The effects of aging and population growth on health care costs. Health Affairs. 1993;12(1):119-25.

Chapter 1

In Chapter 2 “Redesigning the Healthcare System”

[18] Nolte E, Pitchforth E. What is the evidence on the economic impacts of integrated care? Copenhagen: WHO Publications; 2014.

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[22] Coalition for Value in healthcare. Laying the foundation for Health System Transformation. Switzerland: World Economic Forum; 2017.

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[24] Porter ME, Teisberg EO. Redefining health care: creating value-based competition on results: Harvard business press; 2006.

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[26] Kaplan B. Use Better Measurement of Costs and Outcomes to Align the Healthcare System around value: Master Class for Healthcare Costing for Value Institute Conference Healthcare Costing for Value Institute  2015 April

[27] Medicare Hospital Compare: Myocardial Ischaemia National Audit Project. London. 2019.

[28] Academy of Medical Royal Colleges and NHS Confederation. Decisions of Value  [Internet]. United Kingdom: Academy of Medical Royal Colleges; 2014. [cited 15 Apr 2020] Available from:

[29] Shah A. Value-based health care, a global assessment. The Economist Intelligence Unit; 2016.

Chapter 2

In Chapter 3 “VBHC in Detail”

[13] World Economic Forum. Value in Healthcare: Accelerating the Pace of Healthcare System Transformation. Geneva, Switzerland: World Economic Forum; 2018.

[23] Michael P, Porter M. What is Value in Healthcare. New England Journal of Medicine, OBIO KANADA. 2010.

[26] Kaplan B. Use Better Measurement of Costs and Outcomes to Align the Healthcare System around value: Master Class for Healthcare Costing for Value Institute Conference Healthcare Costing for Value Institute  2015 April

[30] Porter ME, Lee TH. The strategy that will fix health care. Harvard Business Review, 2013;91(10):1-19.

[31] International Consortium for Health Outcomes Measurement [Internet]. Boston: ICHOM;2020. [citated 18 May 2020]. Available from:

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[33] Martin LA NC, Mountford J, Bisognano M, Nolan TW. Increasing Efficiency and Enhancing Value in Health Care: Ways to Achieve Savings in Operating Costs per Year. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Institute for Healthcare Improvement; 2009.

[34] Liebowitz S. Why health care costs too much? Cato policy analysis, no. 211. Retrieved March 14, 2010. 1994.

Chapter 3

In Chapter 4 “Implementation of VBHC in Europe”

[17] International Consortium for Health Outcomes Measurement. Standard Set Development [Internet/PowerPoint presentation on the Internet]. Denmark: International Consortium for Health Outcomes Measurement; 2018. [cited 15 Apr 2020] Available from:

Chapter 4

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The iPDM-GO project is funded by the EIT Health.

Digital Learning Content Creation by MacSchneider, 2021.